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Ultrasonics are sound waves beyond human hearing, vibrating over 2000Hz. These waves boast excellent directionality and penetrating power, allowing for focused sound energy. Interaction between ultrasonics and mediums triggers physical and chemical changes, unleashing a spectrum of ultrasonic effects—mechanical, cavitation, thermal, and chemical. Ultrasonics find diverse applications in medicine, military, industry, and agriculture.

Figure 1. The ultrasonic schematic diagram
A pivotal component in ultrasonic technology, ultrasonic transducers are broadly classified into magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer and piezoelectric crystal types (electrostriction) ultrasonic transduer. Magnetostriction involves changes in length and volume of ferromagnetic materials due to altered magnetization states. This property facilitates the conversion of electrical into mechanical energy, essential for generating ultrasonics. Magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducers excel in mechanical strength and stability, immune to hydrolysis (low water density requirement). However, they suffer from higher eddy current and hysteresis losses, leading to relatively lower electroacoustic efficiency. They demand significant excitation energy for high-power applications. Additionally, their frequency and characteristic parameters impose limitations, making them suitable primarily for low-frequency, high-power scenarios.
Today's ultrasonic transducers mostly refer to piezoelectric crystal ultrasonic transducers, also known as Langevin ultrasonic transducers. They utilize the reverse piezoelectric effect of electrostrictive materials to transform electrical into mechanical energy (ultrasonics), thus facilitating the conversion between sound and electrical energy while consuming minimal power themselves. The strengths of piezoelectric crystal ultrasonic transducers lie in high energy conversion efficiency, affordability of raw materials, ease of fabrication, and resistance to aging. Hence, they are vital components in various ultrasonic applications.

Figure 2. The ultrasonic transducer made by Siansonic Technology
Siansonic's proprietary piezoelectric ceramic technology expands the possibilities and ensures reliability in ultrasonic transducer R&D. It offers comprehensive piezoelectric and ultrasonic transducer solutions, including but not limited to focused ultrasonic transducers, high-frequency megasonic transducers, ultrasonic atomizer transducers, medical ultrasonic transducers, and other Langevin amplitude rod-type ultrasonic transducers.