Anti-restenosis Drug Eluting Stent Coating Technique for Coronary, Peripheral and Other Implantable Stents
Siansonic stent ultrasonic coating systems are being used by lots of implantable stents manufacturers, Our ultrasonic coating systems and ultrasonic spray nozzles have been used to spray anti-restenosis drug eluting polymer solutions onto various implantable stents for more than 10 years. Ultrasonic spray nozzles are able to atomize the drug solutions into micro droplets which can well penetrate complex stent geometries and give full coverage of all strut surfaces without webbing. The soft spray atomized by ultrasonic nozzles deposits drug solutions homogeneously onto surfaces. In addition, it is easy to adjust the coating morphology characteristics by modifying some of parameters in spray coating recipe. Air spray nozzles are not able to deposit so uniform coatings as Siansonic ultrasonic coating systems. Due to the advantage of ultrasonic spray nozzles in non-clogging ultrasonic spray nozzles, the spray quality is not declined over time as air spray nozzles which are gradually clogging during spray process. Compared to dip coating, ultrasonic coating can obtain much thinner coatings and reduce the consumption of raw materials while avoiding webbing.

Figure1: Peripheral Stent Drug Deposited by Ultrasonic Spray Coating
Benefits of Siansonic Ultrasonic Spray for Stent Coatings:
Highly controllable and repeatable atomization.
Capable of ultra-low flow rates in the microliter per minute range.
Smallest droplets in only 9 microns (with organic solvents) with very tight droplet distributions.
Non-clogging ultrasonic nozzle technology.
Very soft spray deposits onto stents without splashing or overspray.
Highly durable coatings will not flake or peel.
Over 10 years’ experience and more than 100 systems in operation.
Siansonic can provide validation criteria for stent coating processes by using our stent coating systems such as UC410、UC510、UC520、UC530, etc., including qualification documentation for installation, operation, performance and maintenance qualification.
Furthermore, the specific coating laboratory in our site provide the process testing services for customers at any time, which can help customers to improve and establish process criteria. Our engineers and technicians in laboratory have plentiful experience in coating different types of stents.
Siansonic ultrasonic coating system is used for types of stents:
Bare Metal
Stent Grafts